Reflexologia en el Embarazo y el Parto en IRLANDA - 19 y 20 de Mayo
11-04-2007, 08:49 PM
Mensaje: #1
para <a href="mailto:REFLEXOLOG@S" target="_new[/img]REFLEXOLOG@S</a>, MATRONAS y PROFESIONALES DEL NACIMIENTO 5ta. edicion del curso en IRLANDA! EN NEWRY, IRLANDA DEL NORTE - SABADO 19 Y DOMINGO 20 DE MAYO de 2007 que se llevara a cabo en CONGRESS, NEWRY, (EN INGLES) Organiza: Katrina Lonergan, de Sole to Soul Holistic Therapies Centre Telefonos: +44(0)28 30833532 (centro) y +44(0)7745 772731 (movil) Newry, tercera ciudad en tamano en Irlanda del Norte, es un lugar muy acogedor para sus visitantes, rodeado de colinas verdes y un aire puro. Como llegar: muy facil! Desde el aeropuerto de Dublin coges el Aircoach con destino a Belfast, solo cruzando la acera desde "Llegadas". El Aircoach sale una vez por hora y el viaje desde el aeropuerto de Dublin a Newry lleva poco mas de una hora. Si prefieres viajar desde Belfast, te llevara 45 minutos. Puedes solicitar el billete de ida y vuelta por un precio de 18 euros. ----------------------------------------- TOTAL CARGA HORARIA: 20 Horas academicas. Se entregara Certificado de Asistencia. CURSO Y CURRICULUM Dirige MAURICIO KRUCHIK Reflexologo, Terapeuta de Embarazo y Parto, Educador Pre-Natal, Doula, Conferencista internacional en Reflexologia. Mauricio Kruchik ha sido invitado como conferencista en el Congreso Mundial de Reflexologia a llevarse a cabo en Cairns, Australia, en setiembre de 2007. El curso esta orientado a <a href="mailto:Reflexolog@s" target="_new[/img]Reflexolog@s</a>, Matronas y Profesionales del nacimiento. Esta sera su V edicion en Irlanda, siendo presentado con exito tambien en Inglaterra, Espana, Escocia y Dinamarca, donde esta acreditado como curso de especializacion para diplomados en Reflexologia. Curso practico destinado a brindar una nueva vision del alcance de la Reflexologia como terapia preventiva en el embarazo y efectiva en tiempo real en el parto. INSCRIPCIONES. Plazas estrictamente limitadas a 16 asistentes. Se entrega compendio con el material del curso, teorico y practico. Asimismo, se entrega Certificado de Asistencia. Debido a lo solicitado de este curso, te recomendamos reservar tu plaza cuanto antes. Este curso aportara importantes conocimientos y ayudara a enriquecer tu curriculum. Fuera de ello, disfrutaras del curso y lo aprendido en el lo podras poner en practica inmediatamente, te lo aseguramos. En el programa: REFLEXOLOGIA EN EL EMBARAZO El Plan Reflexologico: Reflexologia como terapia preventiva en el embarazo. Las condiciones que aparecen en el embarazo y su tratamiento, mes a mes Condiciones de alto riesgo, emergencias y limitaciones de la Reflexologia. TECNICAS DE REFLEXOLOGIA ORIENTADAS A LA RELAJACION DURANTE EL EMBARAZO Y EL PARTO - Tecnica de equilibrio de Chakras - Tecnica Metamorfica (introduccion: concepto y trabajo practico) - Otras tecnicas CONCEPTOS DE PARTO ACTIVO El proceso del Parto Parto medicalizado y Parto activo Ventajas del parto activo El dolor no es un enemigo REFLEXOLOGIA EN EL PARTO Reflexologia y las ventajas de su aplicacion en cada una de las fases Aplicacion de Reflexologia en tiempo real: Regulando contracciones: Sedar y Estimular Tratamiento del Dolor y relajacion Estimulando la miccion Estimulando la evacuacion intestinal Aliviando el dolor de espalda Previniendo hiperventilacion y estimulando respiracion correcta Regulando la temperatura del cuerpo Estimulando la pronta liberacion de la placenta Como terapia de contacto, contribuyendo a aliviar los momentos dificiles Estudios de casos ----------------------------------- Testimonios de participantes en ediciones anteriores I thought it was an excellent and informative course, presented in an easy manner. It was more than expected. I loved the location. The course was professional, well thought all, while at the same time being fun and informative. I liked Moshe’s style of teaching and the way he responded to inadequate replies to his questions with tact and encouragement. What I liked the most in this course: Being worked on my Moshe and watching him work. Also applying what we were taught on each other. The topics were explained very clearly. The notes are excellent, colorful and easy to read. First class material, the colour is easy on the eye and more easy to absorb material. The place was perfect, the coordinator excellent, the lecturer excellent, the schedule packed and fun filled. Patricia Diamond Therapist Shankill, Co.Dublin -------------------------------------- It is an excellent course, well organised and presented in an excellent learning environment. It offers something real and very much needed in the modern world of giving birth. It was very informative, with a great depth of knowledge. It was imparted in a practical, easy to listen to manner that made the course enjoyable and easy to participate in. I think I can apply the knowledge I gained and hope to do so either as a midwife in a hospital or privately. It was more than I expected. The place, the coordinator, the schedule, the lecturer, the material: all excellent. Mary McInerney Nurse, Midwife and Alternative Practitioner Dublin -------------------------------------- It was an excellent course, presentation was excellent and so was course material. Moshe really got involved with the students, which adds to the course. I really enjoyed the course. It covered a lot more than I had expected. I would definitely recommend this course to other reflexologists and would love to do another course with Moshe, a very good tutor. The material is excellent, so if any information you forget on course, it is covered in the notes. Caroline Foley Reflexologist Drogheda, Co.Louth ------------------------------------ This course has broadened my knowledge on reflexology for pregnancy and labour. Although I have attended a weekend already on Maternity Reflexology, I have learnt loads more! Moshe is a great presenter so you won’t be bored on this course! He brings all his experience to the weekend in the most interesting way. Can’t wait to put my new skills into practice tomorrow!! I’d definitely recommend this course to my colleagues and friends. Saffron Kirwan Complementary Therapist and Yoga teacher Dublin ------------------------------ This has been a very valuable experience, both as a practitioner and as a mother-to-be one day….If it fulfilled my expectations? Much, much more!! This is a gate way to a beautiful journey with my clients, providing me with the skills and knowledge to better someone else’s journey into motherhood. It definitely broadened my knowledge and I gained a lot. I already have clients waiting for me to go back to and show them (and their husbands/birthing partners) what I have learned. Everything in this course (the place, the coordinator, the lecturer, the schedule, the material) was simply excellent. But what I liked the most: Moshe’s enthusiasm and being such an inspiration. This course gave me the confidence and knowledge to guide me through the whole pregnancy and labour experience. I don’t doubt that my clients will benefit from this experience. Thank you for all your patience and guidance in this journey!! Adele van de Ven Reflexologist and Soon-to-be Doula London, England ----------------------------------------- Thoroughly excellent course. More than expected. Wise, helpful, excellent information. Due to Moshe’s work as a Doula, very experienced with a a wide knowledge of pregnancy. Written booklet – illustrated very clearly – easy to read. I have been given the confidence and knowledge now to work with pregnant ladies. Kim Hayden Nurse Co.Wicklow, Ireland ---------------------------------------- Puedes leer mas testimonios ingresando a, luego a seccion COURSES y dentro de ella en TESTIMONIALS. --------------------- POR INSCRIPCIONES Y DEMAS DETALLES DE ORGANIZACION DEBES CONTACTAR A KATRINA LONERGAN en los telefonos arriba mencionados Email: <a href="" target="_new[/img]</a> Mauricio Kruchik Email: <a href="" target="_new[/img]</a> Pagina web: POR CONSULTAS ACERCA DEL CURSO Estais <a href="mailto:invitad@s" target="_new[/img]invitad@s</a> asimismo a dirigiros directamente a mi personalmente por cualquier consulta que podais tener acerca del curso: Mauricio Kruchik - <a href="" target="_new[/img]</a> Nos vemos!! |
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