Matrona en Inglaterra
08-03-2012, 11:27 AM
Mensaje: #67
RE: Matrona en Inglaterra
Mirad, esto es lo que me escribieron los del NMC al preguntarles.
Assuming you trained post to 1986 (?) we would need the following documents: NMC documents: Application form (including one good health declaration from your doctor - Section 4 of the application form) CV form EU reference form - Good character declaration from Colegios oficiales de Enfermeria (esto incluye el current profesional status... osea que no hay que comerse la cabeza con qué es el current profesional status). Certified documents and translations: Certified copy of Passport Certified copy of the general nursing diploma plus the English translation Certified copy of the Spanish police clearance certificate plus the English translation certified copy of the marriage certificate plus the English translation (if applicable) Payment: Application fee of £110 Registration fee of £76 (once the application is successful) All documents must be certified by a solicitor, lawyer, notary public, Colegios oficiales de Enfermeria, an employee of an embassy or consulate or the police. We do not accept photocopied documents. Suertee Yle 10.. no tengo ni idea.. yo aplicare una vez estando alli.. segun a la ciudad que me manden a trabajr... Mi vida está en SUS manos |
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